Saturday 13 August 2016

My goals for the next year

Recently I have been lazy in so many areas of my life so I've decided to write down a list of things that I want to achieve by this time next year and hopefully then I will stick to them.

1. Lose weight - I've had a gym membership for ages now but I'm so bad at going regularly, mainly because I feel like everyone judges me for not knowing exactly what to do. But I'm starting to realise that really no one else cares what I do in the gym because they're too focused on themselves. So by this time next year I want to lose 2 stone (which is probably unrealistic but a girl can always dream) so that I can stop being so self conscious about the way I look. 

2. Do more for my future - I'm realising more and more that grades are not the only thing that count when applying for jobs, and that experience is key for getting where you want to in life. This is the reason behind my plan to be proactive and gain as much experience in as many sectors as possible so that I have a clear view of where I realistically want to go in the future (job wise). 

3. Spend more time with people I love - since my school friends and I have all gone in different directions it's hard to find time to see each other and catch up, so I'm going to make more of an effort to arrange to see everyone that I want to. I also don't see some of my family as much as I would like to so in the next year I want to do more to make time for everyone that I care about. 

4. Be completely happy with myself - i think this is going to be the hardest for me personally as I've always been very judgemental of myself and have never been completely happy nor do I think I ever will. But I think it's very important to accept yourself for who you are and to change anything that you can't accept. If other people can love me for me then why shouldn't I be able to, right?