Monday 5 October 2015

National Wedding Show - Birmingham

For the last 4 days Nicola, Amy and I have been working backstage at the National Wedding Show in Birmingham as dressers. Although the days have been long and the work has been stressful, I've had an amazing few days getting first hand experience of what it is like behind the scenes at fashion shows.
We had around 20 seconds between each scene in which to get the models into their next outfit and make sure they had all of their accessories for each scene. This was sometimes tricky as buttons etc would be difficult to do up in the short amount of time that we had, so we all had to help each other out between scenes that we knew had difficult changes.
The dresses on the catwalk were all gorgeous and designers such as Aflred Angelo, Nieve, and Twinkles jewellery had their products displayed on the runway. I'd recommend anyone thinking of entering this industry to definitely do some work experience like this as it was definitely not as I expected it to be and I had a great time. The models were so much more friendly than I expected and the backstage environment is much busier than I thought it would be. Overall a great experience that I look forward to doing again in the future! 

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